Anna Wallace

Thursday HEW: Stay Hydrated πŸ₯ƒπŸ’§

Thursday HEW: Stay Hydrated πŸ₯ƒπŸ’§

Switching from a single use plastic bottle to a reusable water bottle that we can fill up from the tap is one way we’re staying hydrated while also reducing plastic waste this Healthy Eating Week #HEW22 Our bodies lose water throughout the day in urine and sweat as well as lesser amounts through breathing. If […]

Wednesday HEW: Vary Your Protein πŸŸπŸ—πŸ₯«πŸ³

Wednesday HEW: Vary Your Protein πŸŸπŸ—πŸ₯«πŸ³

Everyday this Healthy Eating Week #HEW22 we’re aiming to get our protein from a variety of sources, by being creative with beans, lentils, chickpeas & tofu. Chicken, chickpea & spinach curry, or tuna & cannellini beans salad anybody? Protein is important for lots of different functions in the human body, from muscle and bone growth […]

Tuesday HEW: Get At Least 5 A Day πŸŽπŸ‡πŸ₯•πŸ₯¦πŸŒ½

Tuesday HEW: Get At Least 5 A Day πŸŽπŸ‡πŸ₯•πŸ₯¦πŸŒ½

We are snacking on fruit & filling at least half our plate with veg to get more fruit & veg in our diets this Healthy Eating Week #HEW22  In the UK, healthy eating guidelines recommend fruit and vegetables should make up over a third of what we eat. Did you know that only around one […]

Monday HEW: Focus On Fibre 🌾

Monday HEW: Focus On Fibre 🌾

To kick off Healthy Eating Week #HEW22, we’re focusing on #fibre by switching to wholegrains like wholemeal bread, wholewheat pasta & brown rice. A simple swap helping us get closer to the 30g/day fibre recommendation!  Most of us are not eating enough fibre. In the UK, adults are recommended to have 30g of fibre each […]

Healthy Eating Week 2022 🍎πŸ₯•πŸŸ

Healthy Eating Week 2022 🍎πŸ₯•πŸŸ

From the 13th to the 17th of June this week, the British Nutrition Foundation is celebrating Healthy Eating Week! It takes place once a year and has a new theme for each day. This year, the focus is on eating well for you and the planet 🌍 Each day has a different focus to help […]

What is Willpower?

What is Willpower?

Want to know how to improve your willpower? Feeling like you have zero control around the cookies and biscuits? Understanding how you can improve your willpower is a game changer (and it’s quite simple). Willpower or commonly known as self-control is regarded as a supply of energy that we use for control, self-discipline and decision […]

Be Your Own Hero

Be Your Own Hero

Today, I want to have a bit of discussion on self-sabotage… What is self-sabotage? ???? When you look for this term’s definition over the net, it would say self-sabotage is when we actively or passively take steps to prevent ourselves from reaching our goals. ???? This behaviour can affect nearly every aspect of our lives, […]

How to Stay in Your Happy Place? ????

How to Stay in Your Happy Place? ????

Wondering how to maintain your weight once you have achieved your goal? ???????????? How do you actually stay in your “happy place” once you get there? I would like to discuss two important things when dealing with maintenance if you already got to your happy place, or your are in a stressful life situation right […]


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