
“Physically I am slimmer, less bloated, I have more energy, my skin is glowing and I fit in clothes I haven’t before”

Before finding Anna I had tried every diet you can think of and at that time I was losing weight, gaining and losing again using a really restrictive food replacement system.

I was in a constant cycle of feeling slim and successful (but miserable and exhausted) and then a failure (and still miserable and exhausted) when I inevitably cracked and undid all of my hard work. I was completely fed up and looking for a meal plan that covered everything nutritionally and took away the effort of the weekly plan and shop when I found Anna and within a week everything started to change.

The recipes and shopping lists make things simple to follow and the food is amazing but it’s the coaching and support that make it possible to actually do it as a long term way of eating. I feel in control around food, I can stop eating when I’m full or if something doesn’t taste as good as I thought it did, I eat what I truly want when I want and feel totally free. There is no guilt, no ‘off plan’ and still room for enjoying food and life.

Physically I am slimmer, less bloated, I have more energy, my skin is glowing and I fit in clothes I haven’t before. I stopped weighing a couple of months ago which is really unbelievable for me (I weighed every time I went into the bathroom, probably 5 plus times a day) and has been life changing.

I absolutely love having months of meal ideas as well as the confidence to make my own choices, I love the support and the way the coaching just reiterates what I’ve always known but in a way that motivates me to take it on board and there is always a lightbulb moment in every session or post.

I can’t recommend Anna highly enough, she is no nonsense but kind, supportive and realistic and I am so grateful that I found her. You absolutely won’t regret buying into Anna and what she has to offer, I only wish I had found her sooner.

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