
“My biggest NSV (non scale victory) getting into size 10 and buying small gym leggings.”

I have struggled with my weight and the things it did to my mind and self-dislike all my life.

Scrolling through Facebook during lockdown, I came across the lovely Anna Wallace and thought….. well for £17 it is worth a try. To be honest, I was not holding out any hopes as you just do not know what you will get from Facebook and it usually ends up with a massive commitment financially once the trial is over. 

I had the first week menu sent to me early and because my mindset was not right, I actually wrote to Anna to say I was not going to start.

Really, I had spent all my life starting a diet on Monday after eating everything beforehand and then by Wednesday got fed up with myself and bored with the food, I started the same cycle again and again and again. 

The menus, shopping list and method are all provided for you so it is made as easy as it can be. Once I had the shopping in the cupboard, I just loved the food, my sweet cravings left me and I felt full. Weekly trainings from Anna and the Facebook site all supported me through the process and I was losing weight whilst my attitude and mindset became positive and helped me through 2020 and all the issues that came with it! 

If you are having a bad day, the others are always there for support to keep you on track. We are all human and it is allowed. The only rule is just dust yourself off and get back on with listening to your body.

I am 52 years old and after a lifetime of being a bigger lady, I had managed to get myself into the 10 stones bracket, size 12/14 for 10 years from being 40, but slowly over the past couple of years this started to climb and I just could not get the effort back to bet where I was and just kept going through the stop/start cycle.

With the wonderful teaching, support and menus, I have learnt how to feed my body and listen to it, rather than just eat for the sake of it or if I am fed up! I have lost weight and am now the slimmest I have been since I got married 16 years ago! 

So now in size 10 and so positive and happy.

I find myself making different choices with food and the 80/20 approach, nothing is off limits, really works. This is something that we should all have learnt at school and we would be well equipped for adulthood.

Once I had finished the 21 day reset, I had to stay with this as it was the best thing I have ever done. People notice and my family say that I am a changed person, so much happier. I am cooking and interested in preparing food rather than just eating it.

I tell everyone about this group as I truly believe in it and it has been the most positive thing I have ever experienced, I wish I had come across this sooner.

I cannot recommend it more highly as it has had such a positive effect on my lifestyle, mind, attitude and mood.

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