Are You Eating More Than What You Need?

Have you ever wondered why despite all your efforts of trying to lose weight, you still barely see results of all your efforts? Or perhaps, you see results but wondering how you could give it a jumpstart and speed it up just a little bit more?

Do you have a tendency to overeat, eat when bored or clear your plate out of habit?

Are you being a little bit too flexible when it comes to your food choices like having more indulgences than normal?

If someone offers you a cookie in the office or even at home, are you finding it too difficult to resist even if you are not hungry?

If your answer to any of this question is a YES, then I have some helpful tips for you…

???? Keep a food diary – Having a food diary is one of the things that you can use to track and at least have an overview of your food intake. By going back to it, you can see the areas that might need a little bit of attention. You might need to tweak things a bit in your meals like switching from high carb breakfast to a lower carb but high protein one. If you are having a lot of snacks in a day, maybe you could assess if you really needed to have one.

The main point is, having a food diary enables you to easily assess your food intake especially when life gets busy. Let’s admit it, it is very difficult to recall everything on top of our head.

However, if you are the kind of person who is picking your food on a daily basis and not so conscious about what you eat, especially with your portion sizes, note that this behaviour can still add a decent number of calories in your food intake especially if this is happening almost every day.

???? Bring yourself back to awareness – This one very effective especially in unexpected situations like someone asks you to grab a bite while strolling at malls, or when you visit a friend or a relative at their home and they offer you something to munch on. This also applies even when you are already in the process of eating as well. The question is, how do you bring yourself back to awareness in these situations? Ask yourself the following:

✅Am I hungry?
✅Am I full?
✅Do I need to keep on eating the rest of what’s on my plate?
✅Can I stop here?
✅Can I put the leftovers away?

When you do this, you are tuning in to your body at that moment. It helps you make better food choices, feed your body with the food that it needs and if it really needs more…

When you are surrounded with temptations to eat even when it is unnecessary, you can easily snap back to awareness.

At the end of the day everything goes back to mindfulness and being aware.

Hope these tips help you. Let me know your thoughts below. ⤵️

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